The House of Birds of Isola Bella, which has undergone in recent months a conservative restoration, can welcome again its colorful population of parakeets.
The building had been wanted in the eighteenth century by the Princes Borromeo to accommodate a large collection of rare songbirds. A similar house, even bigger though less valuable, had been erected on Isola Madre, which is also populated, then as now, by hundreds of birds.
The restored House of Birds of Isola Bella opens onto the garden of the East, the large terrace on the lake, beneath the Italian Garden. It’s one of the most beautiful areas of the island and is one of the favorite spots by botanists for the collection of dozens of examples of hydrangeas. From here you can reach the no less famous collection of Citruses, the most important of the entire Lake Maggiore, the Towers of Water and Winds and the boxwood parterre.
With the restoration of the House, the Pinces have completed a massive restoration campaign which for several years has involved the Palace and Gardens and has given them back to their former glory.
Restored the House of Birds of Isola Bella
107 parakeets return to their house
Borromean Islands