CROSS Project 2023 in numbers: over 60 artists from all over the national territory and from abroad, 21 performances, 7 workshops, 5 residencies, 4 conferences, 5 co-productions, 13 locations, 2 lakes, 2 provinces.
This edition of CROSS is renewed in format and activities. A single program presents Shows, Events, and Training through courses and workshops, residencies and performative viewings thanks to all the artists involved in the projects shared among a number of partners.
The 2023 program examines new distances between Art and reality, it feeds on infinite iconologies, on imaginations from elsewhere that have been forgotten and compares two totemic events of our time: the Nature that surrounds us and the search for the Truth, for a way to re-read everyday life that reconstructs a narrative apparatus in which to reinvent "fairy tales" and rediscover the sense of community and of being together.